Catalog number: CACH 18136
Object: Tumpline
Material: Cotton, Yucca
Accession number: CACH-00068
Treatment performed by: Ali Wysopal, conservation technician, under the supervision of Dana Senge, conservator
Exam Date: 06/06/2019
Treatment Report: 07/12/2019
Measurements: L 6.8, W 5, D 0.01 cm
This is a fragment of twined textile constructed with 2-s plied yarn for the weft and bundled strands of yucca for the warp. It is an end piece, tapering at one end.
Woven elements are loose along the tapered and flared edge and losses to the warps and wefts can be seen throughout the fragment. Portions of the frayed yarn are matted and misaligned. Loose dirt and dust can be seen across the surface.
Treatment Procedure:
1. Reduced loose dirt and dust from textile by vacuuming with a variable suction vacuum through a nylon screen. Larger debris was mechanically removed with tweezers.
2. Further reduced remaining soiling by tamping with a vulcanized soot sponge, followed by vacuuming.
3. The solubility of the orange and dark brown yarn was tested. Both were found to be colorfast. Proceeded with humidification.
4. Humidified textiles in packages between Reemay, Gore-tex, dampened blotters, and Mylar, then untangled and properly aligned loose woven elements. Textile was weighted between dry blotters during drying to hold loose fibers in place and improve the alignment.
5. Created a new window mat storage mount with muslin lined backing board.
6. Attached a photo of the fragment to the back of the muslin mount.
Date of completion of treatment: 07/12/2019
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